The Present.
My NEW & IMPROVED PORTFOLIO/WEBSITE AND BLOG! NOW IN ONE PLACE!! Technologies: Next.js, React + RSC, MDX, Resend, CSS3, JavaScript, Vercel, & more!
Sway Bae Official
Sway Bae Official is a website created for a professional streamer & content creator. Technologies: Sanity, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, daisyUI, JavaScript, Vercel, & more.
Unofficial Merchandise
Unofficial Merchandise is a fully functional ecommerce web store ready to go! Technologies: Stripe, Sanity, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, JavaScript, Vercel, & more.
.prod is an all-in-one productivity web app to keep your life in order! Technologies: Supabase, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, TypeScript, Zod, Vercel, & more.
.Your Typed Website
Your Typed Website is a super sleek website template just for you! Technologies: Content Collections, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, TypeScript, Zustand, Vercel, & more.
ATS Resbuilder
ATS Resbuilder is an ATS friendly Resume template & showcase of varied methods to create a resume. Technologies: Next.js, React, MDX, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Vercel, & more.
n00b:dev is a powerful type-safe & server-side rendered Blog utilizing the Astro Framework. Technologies: Astro, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Vercel, & more. is my old, personal blog I created to document my journey as a developer. Technologies: Sanity, Next.js, React, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, JavaScript, Vercel, & more.
WebSanity: Website Builder
WebSanity is an easy-to-use CMS powered website builder! Technologies: Sanity, Next.js, React, Next-Sanity, Tailwind CSS, Javascript, Vercel, & more.
Devbuild Resume
Devbuild Resume is an aesthetic (not ATS) resume template for my developer out there! Technologies: Next.js, React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, Material-Tailwind, Vercel, & more.
EG Angular Movies
EG Angular Movies is an intuitive movie database providing a seamless experience for discovering movies. Technologies: Angular, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Netlify, & more.
Tech Forum 2023
The Tech Forum is a CMS inspiried CRUD application for keeping up with the tech world. Technologies: Express, MySQL, Sequelize, Handlebars, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS3, Heroku, & more.